Who we are :

PMC Squared LLC is Lisa and Pete McCormick . We are real estate investors. We have been in the real estate business since 1999, when we rented out first home. It's our goal to help people purchase nice ‘like new’ homes at fair prices. We also purchase and restore distressed houses. We offer homes for sale, or for rent. For people who have had a mortgage application denied, we have a rent-to-own program.
What we do :

We help you solve real estate problems
Get Cash for Your Home!
We are part of a network of local real estate investors. We buy houses, townhouses, condos, duplexes, multi-tenant properties, and even some commercial properties from owners who need to sell quickly for a cash buyout. When you sell your home to us, you’ll pay little or no closing costs, and you can receive your payment as soon as one week.
— We pay cash when we buy houses
— No waiting for bank loan approvals
— No fees or commissions to pay when we buy your house.
— We also pay closing costs when we buy houses
— We buy AS IS – no repairs, no cleaning, no painting
— Quick closings so you can relieve your stress and regain peace of mind
Credit Crunch?
Less than perfect credit can be an issue with a traditional home purchase. Don't let less than perfect credit keep you from owning your home.
Ask Us About our easy rent to own program!
Sell Your Home Fast!
Do you need to sell your house quickly? Are you concerned that selling your home through traditional real estate channels may take too long –if it sells at all? Are you worried about being denied loans, banks demanding expensive repairs before they authorize a mortgage, and home buyers with a long list of pre-sale repairs and demands? Your worries are valid. At PMC Squared, we have a solution
Where we operate :

We are based in Dallas County. The majority of our transactions have been in the Dallas-Forth Worth area, but we aren't limited to this region. We have purchased, or financed the purchases of homes in Dallas, Tarrant, Denton, Grayson and Harris counties. We’ll come to you.